Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bulimia- by Camille

       Bulimia is a serious disease that affects many young people. The number of people with bulimia has tripled between 1988 and 1993. It is when a person overeats, and then throws up or takes excessive amounts of laxatives. It is also called binging (overeating) and purging (self-induced vomiting). Often the person is always craving food, but then feels guilty and throws it up. It is a major problem because it rots your teeth, it messes up your digestive system, it causes starvation, and it’s a sign of a major psychological issue. Bulimia mainly affects teenage girls, and rarely boys.
  1. The best thing that you can do to avoid bulimia is keep yourself in a supportive environment
  2. If you are struggling with low self-esteem to go therapy.
  3. A person does this mainly to stay or become skinnier, so try to eat healthy and excersize instead of throwing up.
  4. Bulimia is a dangerous disease, and if you, or someone you know is struggling with it, you should tell someone that you trust.
For more information on bulimia, go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulimia_nervosa

Photo Credits to http://brokenbelievers.com/category/bulimia/